Energy, rejuvenation, increased immunity, improved metabolism and bowel function, resulting in weight loss, healthy sleep, improved brain function. You become calmer, more vigorous and younger!
- More power and energy
- Stronger immune system
- Healthier vessels and joints
- Skin diseases disappear, the level of sugar and cholesterol decreases
- Faster recovery
- Slimmer figure and better metabolism
- Tighter bones and muscles
- The body becomes cleaner from the inside
- Pressure's coming back to normal
- Cysts and myomas disappears
- Less stress, better mood
- Better memory, faster mind
- Customers feel much healthier
- Natural adaptogens
- Natural components for energy and brain function
- Mixture of whole-food extracts of fruits and vegetables
All B-Epic ELEV8 components are of exclusively natural origin and contain extracts of:
- herbs
- vegetables
- fruits
- mushrooms
- Rhodiola rosea
- Ganoderma lingzhi - a bracket fungus growing on trees.
- Cordyceps
- Chaga
- Shiitake
- Bacopa Monnieri
- Chlorogenic acid. It's extracted from green coffee beans
- Guarana is a liana plant that grows exclusively in South America
- Paraguayan tea tree
Cranberries, spinach, broccoli, carrots, beet, tomato, apple, orange, strawberry, cherry, grapes, pomegranate.
Particular attention should be paid to the well-known strawberries as scientists have recently found out that these berries are the richest source of phesitis, which can slow down aging. ELEV8 also contains black pepper extract rich in vitamin K, iron and manganese. However, it is valuable primarily for its high content of Piperine alkaloid, which improves the digestibility of many valuable nutrients, such as curcumin, beta-carotene, selenium, vitamin B12 and others.
So it serves to increase the drug's bioactivity.
Like any other cellular food product ELEV8 firstly exacerbates old, "healed" health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to start (first few days, sometimes up to one month in case of exacerbations) with a half of the capsule. This way you will be able to avoid discomfort.
Many negative opinions about the product occur precisely because people start drinking 1-2 capsules at once a day, and get "tough" exacerbations of chronic diseases.
Therefore, at first it is desirable to take 1/3 capsule, then a half, and only then move to the whole capsule. Take it in the morning shortly before breakfast, drinking plenty of water.
Standard ingestion - the first week - 1/3 capsule during breakfast, then for 2-4 weeks - half a capsule a day (on an empty stomach in the morning), then a whole capsule. Under no circumstances you should cancel taking medicines prescribed by your doctor - ELEV8 perfectly works with them.
If you suffer from allergy then take half a capsule a day on an empty stomach, not more. This is enough to forget about allergies and not to cause exacerbations. From the second or third month you can take a whole capsule.
Rhodiola pink, which is one of the component of the product, increases blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensives should be careful when taking ELEV8: do not stop taking hypotensive medicines, monitor the level of blood pressure, drink as much water as possible and take no more than half of the capsule. Fortunately, Chaga, which is also a part of the product, stabilizes the pressure and partially neutralizes the effect of Rhodiola pink.
The product is not suitable for such cases. It is good for getting rid of old, chronic diseases, as well as in the recovery stage after surgery and serious illness. In acute stages of diseases, the maximum dosage is 1/3 capsule, just to get energy.
ELEV8 - a course for a month: 30 capsules for complete cellular nutrition in combination with ACCELER8 - a course for a month: 30 capsules for normalization of digestion and enhance the effect of ELEV8 capsules + 30 capsules for a peaceful healthy sleep and weight loss.
GR8 KIDS - Course for a month: 30 stick, weight 93g + ELEV8 - a course for a month: 30 capsules for complete cellular nutrition of the body.
REJUVEN8 Rejuvenating Serum: a highly effective skin care product for face and neck area transforming the skin in 5-15 minutes + ELEV8 - a course for a month: 30 capsules for complete cellular nutrition of the body.
All three products working together (ACCELER8, ELEV8, ACCELER8 SLEEP) strengthen the effect, provide the body with high quality cellular nutrition throughout the day.